How life improves when you stop smoking
When you stop smoking the following benefits come your way:
- Your risk of developing lung cancer drops as soon as you stop…and after 15 years of not smoking your risk of developing heart disease is the same as someone who has never smoked…
- You save lots of money which you can use to treat yourself to things that enhance your life like holidays, a new wardrobe, spa treatments, new car….today (Feb 2025 ) if you are a typical 20-a-day smoker you will spend around £105 per week, £456 per month, £5475 a year!
- You have fewer colds and coughs, and better resistance to illness in general. Smoking also weakens muscles at the top of the stomach so if you get heartburn or acid reflux a lot, you may find that gets better too…
- You have a lot more energy – smoking clogs the arteries and starves your blood of oxygen. A life without smoking becomes a lot easier to live…
- Your skin improves, and you look younger…smoking ages the skin, and gives you more wrinkles and a haggard look …
- You smell better, your breath smells better…it’s no surprise that smelly cigarette breath is a big turn-off on a first date!…
- Your fingers look much better without nicotine stains and so do your teeth…as any dentist will tell you, smoking causes gum disease and other oral health problems..
- Your clothes last longer – no more burn holes…
- You no longer have the dread of running out of cigarettes and the effort involved to get cigarettes when you do run out…
- You no longer get wet, cold and miserable standing outside a pub, club or restaurant while everyone else is inside having fun…
- You have more pride in yourself when you stop being a victim of smoking.
For more information please see the following resources:
- Stop Smoking using hypnotherapy
- Smoking – truths, myths and lies
- 10 Ways to Help Yourself Stop Smoking
- What’s in tobacco?
- Some facts about smoking