“Being stuck is a position few of us like. We want something new but cannot let go of the old – old ideas, beliefs, habits, even thoughts. We are out of contact with our genius. Sometimes we know we are stuck; sometimes we don’t. In both cases, we have to do something.” Inga Teekens
When life coaching, a key element involves identifying and addressing the client’s barriers to change. The following is a list of the 9 most common barriers I encounter:
Barrier 1 – A Lack of Clear Thinking
Symptoms include:
- Wasting time
- Repeating mistakes
- Getting frustrated
- Not being able to explain oneself clearly to others
Barrier 2 – Not Taking Action
Symptoms include:
- Not being organised
- Not getting started
- Procrastinating
Barrier 3 – Low Self-Esteem
Symptoms include:
- Running self down, lacking confidence in own abilities
- Limiting beliefs
- Not taking risks…..saying “I can’t…..” “I’m not…..” I’m just a….”
Barrier 4 – A Warped Sense Of Value
Symptoms include:
- Feeling that in some way(s) you are “Not Enough”
- Uncomfortable making a lot more money
- Not investing in personal development
- Feeling that someone else has got all the answers
- Feeling incapable of standing on your own two feet
Barrier 5 – Loneliness or Isolation
Symptoms include:
- Feeling sad and lonely – limited social life, out of touch with friends and family
- Too much time spent on social media and electronic devices
- No one to bounce an idea off in person
- Feeling like you don’t have anyone who’s been through a similar experience and can ask for their advice.
Barrier 6 – Feeling Overwhelmed and Exhausted
Symptoms include:
- Having no time – always playing catch up and immersed in urgent rather than important matters
- Feeling low on energy, overworking and poor sleep
- Lacking the resources to do what you want to do
Barrier 7 – Belief and Self-Belief
Symptoms include:
- Not being able to develop great goals and habits that breed success
- Staying in your comfort zone
- Overthinking at the expense of doing
Barrier 8 – Worrying About What Other People Think Of You
Symptoms include:
- Imagining people voicing their disapproval or laughing at what you say or plan to do
- Trying too hard to please others
- Fear of failure
Barrier 9 – Perfectionism
Symptoms include:
- Not using the 80/20 rule – always aiming for “perfect”
- Majoring in minor things
- Failing to recognise and feel good about what you have achieved
Diagnosis and Action
While common, the above are just possible barriers and potential root causes of what is blocking change and keeping someone stuck. Other possible barriers which could apply include (but are by no means limited to):
- ‘Technical’ blocks (lack of skills, expertise, tools and techniques)
- Living in the past or the future and not living in the present
The key of course is not just to identify barriers but to decide what requires the most attention, coach the client to plan and implement effective solutions and then monitor and support their progress.