Depression Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis Sheffield

Overwhelmed by depression
Depression can at least be made manageable and does not have to be a life sentence in a prison of the mind. Depression Hypnosis Sheffield from Envision could help.

Despite all the great improvements in wealth, education, health, leisure and technology over the past 50 years, the statistics about depression in the modern world make rather grim reading:

  • According to MIND UK as many as 1 in 4 of us will experience a mental health problem in our lives, with depression being the most likely form (affecting 1 in 5 of us);
  • According to the World Health Organization (WHO) –  depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, a startling figure since it is largely in the western, industrialized world with falling populations that depression is highest and on the rise. (In traditional cultures such as tribes in New Guinea depression is virtually unknown, perhaps because there is less opportunity for someone to feel lonely and isolated.)
  • Depression cases have increased some 10 fold and more in the past 50 years
  • Suicide rates in young people are also 10 times higher than 50 years ago Suicide is the second leading cause of death among 15–29-year-olds – Source WHO Suicide fact sheet)

As it is something that affects or has affected so many people, including rich and famous people like Stephen Fry and J K Rowling, awareness and understanding of depression is slowly but surely changing for the better. However, attitudes to depression still leave a lot to be desired and the stigma of depression is still a primary reason that people give for failing to seek treatment.

Depression is a horrible condition that robs people of enjoyment in life. It is often bleak, frightening and exhausting physically as well as mentally; it sucks out hope, stops people from putting things into perspective and creates prisoners of despair. Not surprisingly, many depressed people are left wondering what they have ever done to deserve such a harsh sentence in this cruel prison of the mind.


 To say Gerry saved my life would be an understatement. He not only saved it he turned it round completely! I’d suffered depression for most of my life and it had ruined several relationships and left me suicidal. After my first session with Gerry I was a changed man. Happy, relaxed and confident. After four sessions I was dancing and singing all day and enjoying life to the full. I cannot recommend Gerry’s services highly enough.

‎ Pete A

Lifting Depression

Trapped by depression
Depression is a horrible condition – don’t let it ruin your enjoyment of life – Envisions depression hypnotherapist Sheffield would like to help

Depression does not have to be a life sentence in a prison of the mind. It can at least be made manageable…for example, Winston Churchill learned to live and function well despite frequent visits by his ‘black dog’.  More importantly, it can be overcome entirely and people can emerge from the experience wiser, stronger and in a much better place than ever before.

Some people break free of depression all by themselves using options such as exercise, diet, relationship and lifestyle changes and useful forms of self-help such as regular meditation practice. There is much to admire and learn from those who succeed with the ‘DIY’ route. However, often people need some help to overcome it – and hypnotherapy is a very effective form of help, since it has all to do with enabling someone to change how they think, feel and act for the better It starts and ends with the mind, and hypnosis is a powerful key to unlocking and restoring it to wellness.


Depression is triggered by different things, and sometimes there is an obvious reason for becoming depressed, sometimes not.  There is often more than one cause too.  There may be life events or changes in circumstance such as a relationship breakdown, job loss or significant stress at work, bereavement or even the birth of a child – but sometimes it’s not clear at all. People may not even realise how depressed they are, because their depression has come on gradually and got steadily worse seemingly all by itself.  They may try to soldier on and cope by keeping busy, and make themselves even more stressed and exhausted in the process. Either way, someone gets to the point that it is so bad that they recognise the need for help.

Depression can also be a feature of other illnesses and conditions, which may need to be checked for with medical tests and investigations. These ‘organic’ causes include underactive or overactive thyroid gland; vitamin B12 deficiency; viral infections, brain injuries and chronic painful diseases such as having serious illnesses or trauma. None of these guarantees depression will occur –  it is not what happens to you but how you perceive and respond to it that counts.

Whatever the cause, depression turns into a prison, a largely self-made harsh prison of the mind, with walls to progress built and patrolled, and a solitary confinement cell installed, all run by a very cruel jailer – the self.   This may sound harsh, a rather bitter pill to swallow, but it is a message of hope. Because just as you have learned to be depressed, so you can unlearn. People rarely become clinically depressed overnight – it develops over time through excessive rumination…the negative overthinking patterns form and the resulting physical changes in brain chemistry and the body then take their toll.

The mind-body connection includes overproduction of cortisone and underproduction of serotonin….the body is more tired from the battle with worry….and since depression has a major impact on our ability to plan and think clearly, so ‘simple things’ become difficult, and concentration and sleep suffers. People with depression tend to dream more and so spend more time in light (REM) sleep and get less of the deep sleep the body needs, This is why mornings are often the worst time of the day for a depressed person. When you awake tired it can be very hard to get out of bed and face the world.  This is why I include restoring healthy sleep in my treatment process.

Feeling good again
You can learn to overcome obstacles and let go of limiting beliefs and things holding you down. All is possible through skilled use of depression hypnosis therapy and help from Envision Hypnotherapy.

Breaking The Cycle

“Tis nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so”

William Shakespeare

Breaking the cycle of depression involves learning to think and act in ways that enable you to enjoy life fully. You can learn how to break free of your prison, to recognise that you have choices and are able to learn to think and act differently. You can learn to overcome obstacles and let go of limiting beliefs. All is possible through the skilled use of hypnosis and other tools and techniques.  (if you would like to learn more about the real impact of hypnosis on the brain, you may be interested in this 2009 study by Hull University  – click here)


As well as understanding their experience and needs, I usually start to help someone break free of depression by first helping them learn how to relax more and tap into inner resources for change. We then move on to learning how to stop asking themselves the wrong questions, to stop running the wrong ‘scripts’ in their mind, to focus on solutions and be more and more motivated to take action to change, to learn how not to make life tougher than it needs to.

In addition to using hypnosis, I also show people how to challenge their thought processes and think more appropriately using some simple yet powerful tools and techniques for changing their state physically and mentally, and enable them to be more confident and optimistic.

We can also discuss practical lifestyle changes that could help, including ways to prevent depression from ever happening again.  The advantage of serving a sentence of depression is that once it is over, it can make you very determined never to be a repeat offender.

Anti-depressant Drugs

Finally, people who come to me for help often ask me about my views on anti-depressants and if they should continue taking their medication, or not. Leaving aside the very fact that someone who turns to me for help has probably already concluded that antidepressants are not the right option for them,  I think that when someone does not want to rely on medication it is a positive sign. I find people often see reaching that “no more medication” point as a key milestone in their recovery.

My viewpoint is that if an antidepressant is working, and is without significant side effects, then why not continue to take them, at least for a while?  They are after all designed to help someone cope and be able to overcome depression themselves so that they are no longer needed anymore. They are, and should be seen as,  a temporary solution to a temporary problem.  So while my goal will always be to help my client overcome their depression and decide for themselves if they wish to take anti-depressants, I always recommend they consult their GP about their medication before stopping. Usually, a controlled reduction in dosage is the best solution.

To find out more, call Gerry on 07976 701223 or mail

Treatment can be provided online or face to face + initial consultations lasting 20-30 minutes are free of charge and in complete confidence.