Anger fools you into thinking that you’re just standing up for yourself, that your rage is justified, that your righteous fury is not only warranted but essential – the object of your anger, even the internet that has just stopped working, totally deserves it!
Anger is temporary madness and completely self-destructive. It’s like grabbing a hammer and believing “If I just keep hitting myself with this, it will fix everything.”
Being angry is like taking a powerful, instant stupidity pill! It is a self-damaging response and I think we all reach a point where we just know it’s stupid, but sadly often after the damage is done.
As a hypnotherapist, I have helped people to conquer their anger and in addition to the hypnotic element, I always include these timeless, effective ways to defeat anger…
- Accept There Will Be Challenges: Cars break down, people will disappoint you, s**t happens! Just consider this…Are your expectations realistic? Are you somehow assuming that nothing and no one must interfere with your entitlement to happiness?
- Broaden Your Perspective: Ask yourself, “In the big scheme of things, does this really matter? Will it matter tomorrow …or in a year…or on my death bed ?”
- Delay: Yes, delay is a great remedy for anger. Breathe deeply and slowly count to 5 (or 10!), before responding …
“There is no proof of greatness so sure as when nothing that can occur can provoke you.” Seneca, a Stoic philosopher of Ancient Rome (4 BC-AD 65),