Deepak Chopra on Heart and Breath: The Hidden Connection

This is a very pertinent and useful post by Deepak Chopra ( MD, FACP, FRCP) which sets out a simple yet powerful daily self-care practice of breathing in a way that stimulates the Vagus Nerve to break you free of, and resistant to, stress.

Two vital processes take place that we barely think about: breathing and heartbeat. For the longest time, medical science kept the two apart. During a routine physical, a doctor checked on signs that the heart and lungs sounded healthy through his stethoscope, but that was the sum of it unless something went wrong.

Yet there was a hidden connection that was only recently discovered, and it turns out to be quite important. The kind of irregular, ragged breathing that occurs in stressful situations is directly connected to the rapid, staccato heartbeat that is also typical of stress. If you have one, you are very likely to have the other.

This matters a lot if you want to protect yourself from stress, especially the chronic, low-level stress common in modern life. Just below your level of awareness, your heart, and indeed your whole body, is reacting to pressures at work, excessive noise, lack of good sleep, and too little time for relaxation. Because mind and body work as one, low-level stress can lead to physical and psychological symptoms over time, opening the way for lifestyle disorders if the situation isn’t reversed.

This is where a breakthrough in self-care took place in the last decade. It is known as vagal breathing, named after the vagus nerve, one of the ten major nerves running from the brain to the rest of the body. The vagus nerve is a wanderer, making its way to many parts of the body, including the thorax, heart, lungs, and digestive system. The functions it controls stay beneath your normal awareness because that’s the nature of the involuntary nervous system, to keep things going while you put your mind elsewhere.

Yet the body isn’t robotic; as everyone knows, you can voluntarily take over your breathing anytime. But it wasn’t common knowledge that you could use the breath to affect the heart. Only in the East, particularly in yoga practice, was the vital connection between breathing and the whole body an important insight.

The West is still just catching up, but thanks to the vagus nerve, you can breathe your way to a normalized heartbeat. In other words, you are using your breath to tell your heart that everything is relaxed and unstressed.

The method is quite simple: the key is to exhale more slowly than you inhale.

· Sit upright with your attention on your lower ribs and belly.

· Comfortably inhale until your belly feels full.

· Hold for a count of four.

· Slowly exhale until your belly feels empty and relaxed.

· Repeat for 5 minutes, making sure that you breathe comfortably without forcing.

(In a simple variant, you can breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth.)

This is a mind-body exercise, because vagal breathing stimulates the brain’s relaxation response, affecting how you think, feel, and perceive the world. The element of mindfulness enters by noticing when you feel stressed during the day and immediately taking a short time out to practice vagal breathing. The immediate effect on your heart is to take it out of a stressed drumbeat rhythm into a more flexible, varied rhythm, which is the sign of a healthy heartbeat.

In medical terminology, you are restoring heart rate variability (HRV), which turns out to be one of the most important ways to care for your well-being. It is becoming clear that everyone concerned with self-care should pay attention to vagal breathing as part of their normal daily routine.

As a remedy for a chronic stress response, vagal breathing retrains your nervous system to recognize what is normal. In these stressful times everyone’s nervous system bears an extra burden of overload, but rest assured, the mind-body system always wants to return to a balanced state in all situations. There’s much more to say about stress, but this is a good start for everyone, no matter what your stress level happens to be right now.

Breathe Better, Live Better

All of the three breathing methods below are powerful if you practice them regularly. And of course, the best part is that breathing is free!  You don’t need to buy any special equipment, you don’t have to sign up for a subscription or take supplements, it’s easy to do and there are no side effects.

Breathe better, live better. A powerful, little-known way to happiness and health is right there, under your nose. Literally!

Your left and right nostrils each come with their own unique superpowers. So learn how to use them…

Left Nostril Breathing

How can you overcome anxiety, relax and feel calm? Believe it or not, your left nostril is deeply connected to your parasympathetic nervous system. Research shows breathing through it exclusively for a little while can help you calm down, manage stress and also get a better night’s sleep.

This isn’t difficult to do:

  1. Close your right nostril with your right thumb.
  2. Slowly inhale and exhale through the left nostril for a few minutes – aim for 6 seconds in, and 6 seconds out
  3. Focus on deep, controlled breaths to maximize the calming effect.

Right Nostril Breathing

Right nostril breathing activates the sympathetic nervous system — your body’s fight-or-flight mechanism. Research has shown this usefully increases alertness, energy levels, and metabolic rate.

Again, the steps are simple:

  1. Close your left nostril with your left thumb.
  2. Inhale and exhale through the right nostril for a few minutes – again, aim for 6 seconds in and 6 seconds out
  3. Feel the air rush into your lungs and light up your positive energy level.

Energy boost or not, it will definitely increase your productivity.

“Box” or “Square” Breathing

This breathing technique is one that United States Navy SEALs, an elite special force, use to increase focus and to stay calm, drive attention and enhance mental clarity in tense situations. If it’s good enough for someone under heavy enemy fire, it’s probably good enough for you too!

The process is simple:

  1. Breathe in for 4 seconds
  2. Hold it for 4 seconds
  3. Breathe out for 4 seconds
  4. Hold for another 4 seconds.

Repeat at least six times. If you find, 4 seconds is too long for you, use 3 instead!

Defeating Anger

Anger fools you into thinking that you’re just standing up for yourself, that your rage is justified, that your righteous fury is not only warranted but essential – the object of your anger, even the internet that has just stopped working, totally deserves it!

Anger is temporary madness and completely self-destructive. It’s like grabbing a hammer and believing “If I just keep hitting myself with this, it will fix everything.”

Being angry is like taking a powerful, instant stupidity pill! It is a self-damaging response and I think we all reach a point where we just know it’s stupid, but sadly often after the damage is done.

As a hypnotherapist, I have helped people to conquer their anger and in addition to the hypnotic element, I always include these timeless, effective ways to defeat anger…

  • Accept There Will Be Challenges: Cars break down, people will disappoint you, s**t happens!  Just consider this…Are your expectations realistic? Are you somehow assuming that nothing and no one must interfere with your entitlement to happiness?
  • Broaden Your Perspective: Ask yourself, “In the big scheme of things, does this really matter? Will it matter tomorrow …or in a year…or on my death bed ?”
  • Delay: Yes, delay is a great remedy for anger. Breathe deeply and slowly count to 5 (or 10!), before responding …

“There is no proof of greatness so sure as when nothing that can occur can provoke you.”  Seneca, a Stoic philosopher of Ancient Rome (4 BC-AD 65), 

Lifestyle changes that can improve your mental and physical health

More and more, evidence is emerging that while inflammation can cause depression and anxiety, lifestyle modification can make a massive difference in reducing and preventing chronic inflammation.  And, unlike prescription drugs with all their limited efficacy and potentially harmful side effects, lifestyle modification is freely available to most.
While the effect on our physiology tends to be less intense and slower to materialize than pharmaceuticals, abundant research suggests significant benefits can be achieved when it comes to decreasing chronic inflammation through simple lifestyle changes. These benefits also appear to decrease the risk of certain mental health conditions. A practical approach to mitigating lifestyle-related inflammation emphasises a focus on the “6S” model targeting stress, sugar, sedentary behaviour, sleep, substances and smoke.
  1. Stress: Chronic stress is a known risk factor for chronic inflammation and a wide spectrum of mental health issues. Practical tools here include engaging in daily mindfulness or meditation, practising deep breathing, spending time in nature weekly, limiting news and social media exposure, and having professional, effective therapy such as hypnotherapy to mitigate stress-induced inflammation. 

  2. Sugar: Sugar-sweetened beverages are among the best-studied dietary risk factors for inducing inflammation and increasing brain issues including depression. Ultra-processed foods that tend to be rich in added sugar are also shown to relate to inflammation and mental health disorders and contribute to the development of metabolic diseases like type 2 diabetes which increases inflammatory and mental health risk. Eliminate sugar-sweetened beverages, reduce added sugars, prioritise minimally processed foods, increase fibre intake, and regulate glucose with strategies like exercise and better sleep.

  3. Smoke: In addition to not smoking, air pollution increases inflammation in the body and brain while promoting mental health issues. Minimise indoor air pollution by ventilating stovetops, reducing incense and candle use, avoiding air fresheners, and using air purifiers that match your room size.

  4. Substances: Excess alcohol consumption promotes brain inflammation and a host of mental health disorders. Limit alcohol consumption to 1-2 units per day, have alcohol-free days, opt for low-sugar beverages, consider non-alcoholic alternatives, and avoid alcohol late in the day to protect metabolic and brain health.

  5. Sedentary behaviour: Lack of physical activity is linked to higher inflammatory levels and mental health diagnoses. So be physically active each day – walking, running, swimming, cycling, gardening; play sports; take up yoga, pilates, or tai-chi; incorporate resistance and High Interval Intensity Training (HIIT) to enhance muscle health and produce anti-inflammatory myokines, focusing on lower-body exercises for brain support. Do things like taking the stairs and not the lift; parking as far away as possible from the supermarket entrance so you can push the trolley for longer; and clean your home at a faster pace.  

  6. Sleep: Poor sleep is a top risk factor for a range of health issues, and relates to immune state and mental health. Optimize sleep conditions with dark, quiet, and cool environments (~65°F), reduce stress before bed, remove devices from the bedroom, and address potential sleep disorders like sleep apnea.

Looking for a Christmas gift for someone special?

Christmas is a time of giving and for someone who could do with some useful self-help, here are some books I would highly recommend….

F**k It by John C Parkin

The Road Less Travelled by M Scott Peck

The 7 habits of highly effective people – Stephen Covey

The Four Agreements by Miguel Luiz

The Obstacle is the way by Ryan holiday

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

The Power of Fun by Catherine Price

And of course, if that someone would be interested in changing successfully by having hypnotherapy with me, do put them in touch. I treat people in person and also online … and an initial consultation call with me lasts 20 to 30 minutes and is free, private and without any pressure whatsover to sign up for treatment.

Overcoming Procrastination

I’ve been putting something off but now is the time to take action!…That something is to write about procrastination.

Well, since there is no time like the present, writing about procrastination is something I really shouldn’t put off any longer!

There are many reasons why we put things off, but all result in a huge negative energy build-up in body and mind.

Just knowing that we have something ‘hanging over us’ is a terrible burden and one that creates a self- reinforcing cycle. The more we put off, the more guilty we feel, the less we feel like doing things so the more we put off.

There are many strategies to help you break out of this destructive behaviour. One of the most powerful is the idea of ‘worst first .’

Every day, when you make your to-do list put a big asterisk beside the thing that you have been putting off the longest. Chances are that it is your least favourite activity or something you know you ought to do but are dreading, perhaps that difficult conversation you have been putting off for the right moment to come around but rarely does. Now put this ‘worst’ item right on top of the list

Whatever else you have to do today, that ‘worst first’ item is now your number one priority. You MUST strike it off your list this morning.

You’ll get three benefits (at least):

  1. You have broken the cycle. Instead of sitting and laughing at you, poisoning your subconscious, that item can now only make you feel good: you’ve beaten it!
  2. The next item on your to-do list can only seem easier – your day is getting better and better.
  3. When you wake up tomorrow morning, enjoy the new- found feeling that there is nothing nearly so bad on your internal dread list.

And if you really cannot bring yourself to do “worst first” then try the “I’ll give it 5 minutes” approach. If you make a start on something you are as likely as not to find that it is not as bad as you imagined it would be….. and so will keep going and complete it. But even if you do find it is as bad as you thought then you can stop after 5 minutes having at least kept your promise!

What is the difference between meditation and hypnosis?

While both meditation and hypnosis involve altered states of consciousness characterized by deep relaxation and focused attention, there are some key differences between the two:

Goal and Purpose:

  • Meditation: Aims to cultivate self-awareness, non-judgmental observation, and present moment awareness. It’s not goal-oriented in the traditional sense, but rather a practice for personal growth and well-being.
  • Hypnosis: Aims to achieve specific goals like managing pain, overcoming anxieties, or improving habits. A hypnotherapist guides the individual through a process which involves using suggestions and other techniques that can help them achieve these goals.

Induction and Control:

  • Meditation: Primarily practised with self-directed techniques like focusing on the breath, using mantras, or guided visualizations. Requires consistent practice and effort to develop and maintain focus.
  • Hypnosis: While it is possible to learn and use self-hypnosis, it usually requires an external guide like a hypnotherapist who uses techniques to induce the hypnotic state.

Focus and Awareness:

  • Meditation: Cultivates non-judgmental observation of thoughts and feelings without getting attached to them. The focus is on being present in the moment and observing the mind’s activity without judgment.
  • Hypnosis: May involve a narrower focus on specific suggestions or visualizations given by the guide. The individual often experiences a dream-like state and increased suggestibility to the therapist’s suggestions.


  • Meditation: Improved self-awareness, reduced stress and anxiety, increased emotional regulation, and enhanced focus and attention.
  • Hypnosis: Changing limiting beliefs and unwanted habits, anxiety reduction, improving performance and addressing phobias or other specific issues such as depression, grief and addiction.

Overall, meditation and hypnosis are distinct practices with different goals and approaches, even though they share some similarities in their experience.

Ditch the Ditching: Conquer Your New Year’s Resolutions with Hypnotherapy!

Every year, the same scene replays: well-intentioned people craft ambitious resolutions, bursting with hope and optimism. But as January wanes, so does resolve. By February, many are ditching the resolutions, left with disappointment, broken dreams and a nagging sense of “same old, same old.”

But what if there was a way to break this cycle? Enter hypnotherapy, a powerful tool which can rewire your subconscious mind and pave the way for lasting change.

Why do resolutions fizzle out?

Our deepest beliefs and patterns, often buried in the subconscious, can sabotage our best intentions. These hidden “programs” might whisper fears like “I’m not good enough” or “Change is too hard.” Hypnotherapy helps access these hidden layers and replace them with positive affirmations, empowering suggestions and new behaviours.

How can hypnotherapy help?

Hypnotherapy doesn’t magically implant new habits – it empowers you to make the changes yourself. Here’s how:

  • Motivation Boost: Hypnotherapy can tap into your intrinsic desires, making your resolutions feel less like “shoulds” and more like exciting possibilities.
  • Craving Control: Hypnotherapy can address subconscious triggers for unhealthy habits, like stress-eating or procrastination. Imagine saying “no” to that extra doughnut with newfound ease!
  • Inner Critic Tamer: Those negative self-talk voices? Hypnotherapy can help quiet them down and replace them with supportive, encouraging messages.
  • Visualization Power: Hypnotherapy lets you vividly imagine yourself achieving your goals, building confidence and resilience in the face of challenges.

Resolutions Perfect for Hypnotherapy:

  • Breaking unwanted habits: Smoking, nail-biting, overspending – you name it!
  • Embracing healthy lifestyles: Exercise, healthy eating, mindfulness – get the support you need to make these sustainable.
  • Boosting personal development: Building confidence, overcoming fears, improving relationships – unlock your full potential.

Ready to ditch the ditching and truly achieve your resolutions?

Hypnotherapy isn’t a magic wand, but it can be an amazingly powerful tool in your transformation toolbox. Working with me we can customize a program that addresses your specific goals and challenges. Remember, change takes time and effort on your part, but with the right support, you can turn your New Year’s resolutions into lasting victories.

Bonus Tip: Start small and celebrate each step! Hypnotherapy can help you break down your goals into manageable milestones, making the journey towards success feel less overwhelming and more rewarding.

So, this year, ditch the disappointment and embrace the power of your subconscious mind. With hypnotherapy by your side, you can make this New Year the one where your resolutions not only stick but thrive!

Let’s make 2024 the year you become the best version of yourself!  Just call me on 07976 701223 to see how I can help turn your New Year dreams into reality.

Why is hypnotherapy so effective in helping people to stop smoking?

To smokers, vaping seems to be a healthier alternative to smoking cigarettes (though many vap and smoke!) but in my view, the truth is that E-cigarettes are just the latest in a long line of products that take advantage of the fact that most smokers are desperate to quit – in fact, a 2011 study from the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention showed: 70% of smokers want to quit…….56% tried to quit……But only a paltry 6% managed to quit!

Why is that? I think it’s because the most used options available – going cold turkey, nicotine gum and patches as well as e-cigarettes – all share the same fundamental flaw, one that as a hypnotherapist I am very much aware of. The problem is none of them address where addiction really lies – the unconscious mind!

Influencing the unconscious mind effectively and rapidly is what hypnotherapy is all about. That’s why I know that instead of buying expensive and sometimes explosive Vapes in an attempt to quit, a smoker could visit me in person or online and quickly untangle the desire to smoke from their unconscious – freeing them to live a healthier, wealthier, longer life.

Want to stop being addicted to nicotine? My highly effective 2 session stop smoking hypnotherapy service now costs just £200.

Hypnotherapy – Rescuing you from emotional hijacking

Human beings, in common with all mammals, share the same five defensive states that evolved to help us respond to danger and keep us alive. But what are these five defensive states? And how can they feel like such stressful burdens to us today?

You’re probably familiar with the first two—Fight and Flight—but there are three more that you may not be aware of:

  1. Fight: Becoming aggressive in the face of a perceived threat (perception is all!)
  2. Flight: The urge to flee a stressful—or seemingly stressful—situation
  3. Freeze: A reaction that doesn’t feel like a reaction at all; not being able to think or move
  4. Submit: Appeasing others when faced with a threatening situation
  5. Attach: Forming unhealthy bonds after perceived situations of stress

Typically, people react in a conditioned way and so one of the above states can become their predominant response.

When our brains react to real threats and perceived threats—they can override our regulated state. And being in hijacked emotional states like these can lead to much unhappiness, frustration, confusion, and exhaustion. Not to mention the effects it can have on our relationships.

With effective hypnotherapy, I can help you uncover and learn how to rise above the hold each state can have on you, see things more clearly, and break free of unhelpful and unnecessary conditioned responses such as high anxiety.

If you are interested in finding out more about how hypnotherapy can help rescue you from emotional hijacking, just text or give me a call at 7976 701223