Support Your Brain Using Vagus Nerve Stimulation

The vagus nerve is one of 12 cranial nerves that connect our brain and body. It extends from the brain stem to the gut and is a critical part of the parasympathetic nervous system.

Unlike the sympathetic nervous system, which governs the fight, flight and freeze response, the parasympathetic nervous system controls resting heart rate, respiration and digestion. It’s the key to unlocking the relaxation response. In recent years, researchers discovered that the vagus nerve also puts the brakes on inflammation, a key player in the onset of nearly all chronic diseases, including those that affect cognition.

The US Food and Drug Administration has approved devices that stimulate the vagus nerve with electrical impulses for the treatment of specific conditions, including epilepsy, depression and migraine headaches. However, research also shows that vagus nerve stimulation may also help bolster brain function, even in healthy people. So how exactly can you stimulate the vagus nerve without using a device?

Three Good Ways to Stimulate the Vagus Nerve

Like our muscles, our nerves need a certain amount of activity to function optimally. Though most of us don’t pay much attention to vagal nerve stimulation in our daily lives, there are ways to do so without equipment. While such activities may not make you break a sweat, the health effects might be as dramatic as a 60-minute cardio session.

Take a breath. During times of stress, most people hold their breath and deprive the vagus nerve in the process. One way to activate the vagus nerve is through slow, deep belly breathing. Focusing on your breath shifts your focus away from stressful mind chatter and toward the rhythm of the breath.

  • Do this: Breathe in through your nose for a count of seven and out through your mouth for a count of eleven. Watch your belly expand on the inhale and contract on the exhale. Just a few minutes of deep breathing can keep your vagus nerve active.

Meditate. Meditation activates the vagus nerve and calms the network of nerves that control myriad physiological processes. Meditation and mindfulness not only lower your heart rate, but they also reduce blood pressure levels,” said Gonzales

  • Do this: Take breaks throughout the day to quiet your mind. You can even do a mindfulness meditation where you pause, take notice of your surroundings and breathe.

Exercise. Exercise boosts the number of blood vessels that fuel your brain, spurs the development of new thought pathways, enhances connectivity between brain cells and stimulates the vagus nerve. There’s even evidence that exercise outperforms medication for some intractable conditions, including depression, anxiety and memory loss.

  • Do this: Try endurance activities such as jogging, cycling and swimming. Research suggests that endurance activities including High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) stimulate the vagus nerve and control parasympathetic activity in the brain. That may be one reason why athletes report reaching a sort of “high” during long-distance runs.