A team at New York University trawled the internet to find the most common claims about a good night’s sleep. Then, in a study recently published in the journal Sleep Health, they matched the claims to the best scientific evidence.
They hope that dispelling sleep myths will improve people’s physical and mental health and well-being.
So, how many of the 6 myths below are you guilty of?
Myth 1 – You can cope on less than five hours’ sleep
Myth 2 – Alcohol before bed boosts your sleep
Myth 3 – Watching TV in bed helps you relax
Myth 4 – If you’re struggling to sleep, stay in bed
Myth 5 – Hitting the snooze button (the notion that an extra few minutes in bed makes all the difference!)
Myth 6 – Snoring is always harmless
To read more about each myth and the researchers findings, see this post on the BBC website here
And of course if you have sleep problems which you want to overcome, just give me a call on 07976 701223 or email gerry@envisionhypnotherapy.com